Holistic Health Assessment & Comprehensive Report

The Holistic Health Assessment & Comprehensive Report is a tool I have developed to assess overall health and provide information and advice to help the user to improve or maintain their health.

The assessment involves answering a confidential questionnaire. Then your responses are analysed and the results are compiled into a report containing:

  1. an estimate of your overall health status
  2. recommendations on how to improve your health status through holistic treatment
  3. targeted recommendations to help you treat any named ailments.

The aim of my Health Report is to enable the user to learn more about their body systems that must work together to create health as best as possible.

I have spent the past few years developing this questionnaire based on my experience as a Holistic Health Therapist with qualifications in Nutrition, Shiatsu bodywork massage, Counselling, and Scenar therapy.

I found that it typically takes a few sessions face-to-face with a client  before I have gathered enough information to confidently give an estimate of their health status. This is why I developed my online Assessment Questionnaire system. It allows me to ask a large number of questions (which would otherwise take up precious treatment time), and to ask some questions that might be awkward or uncomfortable in a one-on-one setting, particularly on a first visit.

The report contains useful information for a therapist when drawing up a treatment plan, making the questionnaire and report a valuable tool for both the therapist and client. It allows me, the therapist, to get a head start on your challenges, while also informing you, the client, on your health and what you (or your therapist) can do to improve it.

Report Process
Health Report Image
Questionnaire Demo

Sample Chart: Your Health Scores may look something like this

About the Holistic Health Assessment & Report

The first step is the assessment to gather information about your health.

You will be given access to the online assessment questionnaire to fill it in. This typically takes approximately 30 minutes and you can do it at home on a laptop, tablet or phone.

During the assessment questionnaire you will be asked about any ailments (both physical and psychological), illnesses, traumas or injuries that you suffer from, in addition to some questions about your diet, lifestyle and fitness. The purpose of the questions is to cover a wide range of topics in as few questions as possible. (Note: Your questionnaire responses are always confidential.)

Once you have filled out the questionnaire it will take approximately 7 days (depending on complexity) to analyse your responses, create your personalised report and email it to you. 

Your personal report will contain your estimated Health Scores. These scores will help you to identify the areas of greatest challenge to your health.  If you have challenges in a particular aspect of your health, you will receive some information on how to treat that aspect in a holistic way.

Additionally, if you name any specific ailments that are bothering you, I will attempt to provide some information and some recommendations for treating that ailment specifically. However, keep in mind that holistically treating the problematic aspect of health is often enough to improve ailments caused by that aspect as you treat the cause not just the symptom.

If you are very healthy, your report will mainly consist of your Health Scores. If you have more ailments, you will have more information in your report.

The questionnaire is suitable for people who are interested in estimating how healthy they are. The report will be more informative for people who have some ailments and symptoms that are bothering them.

The report is particularly useful for people who feel they don’t quite know where to start when trying to get help in treating their particular ailments. The report can also be brought to a therapist to help them see where to begin when creating a treatment plan.

The scoring system may be of use to people who would like to evaluate any progress by retaking the assessment at a set interval (e.g. 2 – 4 months) to see how well any treatments are working.

If you are very healthy and without any ailments or symptoms I won’t be able to make any recommendations on how you can improve your (already very good) health. My system may not be able to identify any underlying ailments that you are not already aware of, if you also do not have any symptoms. I am only able to use the information you provide in my calculations. If vital information has been omitted your score may not reflect your true health status.

Your health scores are calculated using your questionnaire responses. The more serious I consider your issue to be, the higher your scores will be. If you have multiple ailments, you will likely have higher scores. Having a higher score indicates that you should take action to treat your health issues more urgently.

The scores are a snapshot of your current state of health and a high score does not mean there is no hope for improvement. Some ailments will be easily and quickly resolved with treatment which would result in a lower score if you were to take the questionnaire again after the issue had been resolved.

Each question is designed to capture certain aspects of your ailments which should give an indication of which Body System Groups are challenged for you at this point in time. Different Body System Groups may have different treatment methods. Treating one of these health systems can indirectly improve any ailments you have which are associated with that aspect.

You will be asked about any ailments (both physical and psychological), illnesses, traumas or injuries that you are or have recently been suffering from and that still affect you, in addition to some questions about your diet, lifestyle and fitness. The purpose of the questions is to cover a wide range of topics in as few questions as possible.

I have tried to keep the questions as unobtrusive as possible and only gather information that is useful in evaluating your health. Some people may still find some of the questions to be sensitive (e.g. drug use, trauma).

Your questionnaire responses and subsequent report are all completely confidential.

All questions refer to now and not to past ailments, accidents, medical procedures and interventions you had in the past that are not affecting you physically, mentally or emotionally now or up to quite recently. Only name ailments or issues that you are concerned about now, or very recently and whose effects you still feel.

If you have a mild ailment or injury that you expect to fully recover from soon, answer as if you do not have that temporary problem, or postpone answering the questionnaire until you have recovered otherwise your report will be exaggerated.

Many of the questions will ask how OFTEN you suffer from a particular problem. When choosing which response reflects your experiences:

  • Very often” – means I am suffering with this a lot / almost all the time. Consider this to be approx 70%+ of the time.
  • Quite often” – means I suffer with this intermittently. Recently this ailment has re-occurred strongly enough to pain, distress you and interfere with your life. It does not refer to a memory of it from months ago. Consider this to be approx 40% to 70% of the time.
  • Sometimes / Rarely / Never” – means this never or hardly ever bothers me. Consider this to be less than 40% of the time.

There are 6 key scores in the report. The most important is your Overall Health Score, which is an estimate of your general state of health.

The other 5 scores are associated with my 5 Body System Groups which I have defined as: 

  • Automatic Reactions Group – This group covers any processes that happen within the body, either consciously or unconsciously.
  • External Body Group – This group covers systems that interact with the world outside your body and on your body surface.
  • Psychological Choices Group – This group covers your psychological state and how it affects your health.
  • Nutrition and Energy-Creating Group – This group covers how the way we eat affects our health and energy levels.
  • PTSD Reaction (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) –This is not strictly a body system. It is a survival instinct triggered by traumatic events.

Different Body System Groups may have different treatment methods. Treating one of these health systems can indirectly improve any ailments you have which are associated with that aspect. This is the holistic approach to treatment.

Holistic treatment means that all the body’s systems are analysed and treated from many aspects. This means that a client is not treated solely for an obvious ailment (which is often a symptom of something else that may be hidden). Rather, the root cause is treated, often indirectly improving any ailments which are associated with that underlying cause.

The assessment can be done as a stand-alone diagnostic for your own information.

There is no obligation to repeat the assessment or to attend a therapist to implement a treatment plan, however some people may find it useful to do so. 

However, it is advisable to retake the questionnaire after a set amount of time (e.g. 2 – 4 months) to compare scores, evaluate progress, and see how well any treatments are working.

Yes. Your questionnaire responses and subsequent report are all completely confidential.

If you are very concerned about your privacy, you may use a pseudonym. It is important to use your real email address as that is how you will receive your completed Report.

Your report may vary in size from less than 20 pages to more than 50 pages depending on the complexity of your health issues. The report will include some background information on my 5 Body Systems and your personal Health Scores. Depending on your health status, you will recieve advice and recommendations to help you deal with any Body Systems challenges, in addition to advice and recommendations specific to your own named ailments.

The nature of the advice and recommendations will vary depending on your issues and ailments. Your report will increase in detail to correspond with the estimated severity of your ailments. 

If you are very healthy and without any ailments or symptoms I won’t be able to make any recommendations on how you can improve your (already very good) health. This will mean that your report will be much shorter in length than someone with a long list of health challenges.

It costs €85 in total.

You will need:

  • either a laptop, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection to take the assessment questionnaire.
  • approx 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to fill in the questionnaire
  • a valid email address. This is where your Report will be sent once it’s ready (within 7 days, depending on complexity).
  • A debit/credit card to pay the €85 fee online.

Holistic Health Questionnaire & Report

Price: €85

Health Report